
2022 Ministry of Education, Antonio Romoleroux: Amazonia
2021 “Universities” #88, UDUAL
2020 “State and Commons” #10, Journal of Policies and Public Problems, IAEN
2008 “Academic Journal Alterity” #4, Salesian Polytechnic University, Ecuador

2024 “Antonio Romoleroux, criticism of his work”, “Antonio Romoleroux: the beat of opposites”, Sonia Kreamer PhD
2018 “Antonio Romoleroux”, “Antonio Romoleroux and his searches”, Dr. Marco Antonio Rodríguez
2017 Ecuador: Light of Time, Contemporary Artists from Ecuador, Imago Mundi, Luciano Benetton Collection
2015 “The conscious self”, Antonio Romoleroux
2012 “Ojo Latino Collection”, Luciano Benetton Collection, Skira
2011 “Mariano Retro”, Center for Contemporary Art, Lenin Oña
2010 “Metropolitan Cultural Center”, Librimundi editions
2007 “Antonio Romoleroux”, “The work of Antonio Romoleroux”, Dr. Inés Flores
1997 “New Critical Dictionary of Plastic Artists of Ecuador 20th Century”, Hernán Rodríguez Castelo
1996 “Plastic Artists of Ecuador” Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Inés Flores
1996 “New 100 Artists”, Dinediciones, Pablo Cuvi, Lenin Oña
1991 “Critical Dictionary of Art”, Hernán Rodríguez Castelo

2022 “Amazon and Interculturality” Technical University of Loja
2021 “Beyond the Borders”, Fantapia Museum, Republic of Korea
2019 “The power to transform the world”, IAEN, Umart Klert Ghov
2018 “Anthological exhibition” PUCE Cultural Center, Hernán Pacurucu C.
2013 Impress 13 International Printmaking Festival 2013, Stroud,UK
2015 AQ Art Fair, Quito
2013 “From the mirror to the mask”, Metropolitan Cultural Center
2011 “Urban Visions”, Benjamín Carrión Cultural Center
2008 “Disfigurements”, Carlos Rojas
2003 “The Freedom of the Artist”, Mariano Aguilera salon, Lenin Oña
2001 “Globalization, Nomadism, Identity”, National Art Salon, VII Cuenca Biennial
2000 “Art 100”, Roque Sevilla, Dr. Inés Flores
“Coirruption”, CCE
1999 “Art 100”, Dr. Inés Flores
1997 “See with Your Eyes See”, Central Bank of Ecuador
1996 V International Painting Biennial of Cuenca
“One of a kind”, Central Bank of Ecuador
“Paper and paper”, Central Bank of Ecuador
“Winners of the Mariano Aguilera Hall”, Hernán Rodríguez Castelo, Inés Flores, Raúl Pérez Torres, Manuel Esteban Mejía
“Recent work” Trinidad Pérez
1994 “Troisième Triennale Mondiale D’estampes”, Chamalières

2021 “The message of the models to Humanity”, Kunstraum artescena, Nuria Silvestre, Leipzig, Germany
“The message of the models to Humanity”, Kunstraum artescena, Helena García Moreno, Leipzig, Germany
2020 “Materialization of the spirit”, Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Camilo Restrepo
2018 “Anthological exhibition” PUCE Cultural Center, Hernán Pacurucu C.
2015 Dass Bewusste Ich, Berlin, Germany, Alfonso Jurado
2014 “I 2013 “Daughter of Lilith”, Sara Palacios Gallery, Hernán Rodríguez Castelo
“My essence in your senses”, Sara Palacios Gallery, Rosalía Arteaga
2012 “Sacred Nature” Cien Fuegos Gallery, Mariana Vaca de Raad
“Sacred Nature” Cien Fuegos Gallery, Nelson Román
2010 Antonio Romoleroux, Queens Museum, María Eugenia Avilés, New York, USA
“Art in Spring”, Codelco, Francisco Borja, Santiago de Chile
2009 “The self is spirit” Providencia Cultural Institute, Juan Antonio Bolumburu, Santiago de Chile
2008 “Nature is sacred and human beings too” Ministry of Culture and Heritage, Julio Pazos Barrera
2003 “Awakening”, González Guzmán Gallery, Javier X. Estrella
1999 “Paper and metal” Artespacio Gallery, Dra. Inés Flores, Cumbayá
1996 “Recent Work”, Art-Forvm Gallery, Terry Davidson

2021 romoleroux/
2018 “Rocinante” #115
2007 “El Búho” #24, Julio Pazos Barrera
2003 “Privilege” #4, Quito and Guayaquil
2005 “Dolce Vita” #14, Buggatti, Francisco X. Estrella
2004 “El Portal” #12, Ecuador
2000 “Miti Miti” #3, León Espinoza Ordoñez
1999 “De Primera” #36, Dra. Inés Flores
1997 “Ecuador”, Association of Ecuadorian Municipalities, Ministry of Tourism
1996 “Diners” #170, Mónica Vorbeck
“Oro Verde Hotels”, Raúl Pérez Torres

2023 interview with Antonio Romoleroux, visual artist, UDUALC TV
2022 exhibition “Amazon, world biosphere reserve” by Antonio Romoleroux, IAEN
2021 Antonio Romoleroux | Ecuadorian Plastic Artist | Tullpukuna
Maestro Antonio Romoleroux – Reference of contemporary Visual Art in Ecuador | NOTICIERO HORA 18
Antonio Romoleroux, interview with Paty Terán, radio Platinum
2020 interview with Antonio Romoleroux, UDUAL
2019 Antonio Romoleroux Contemporary Ecuadorian Artist, PUCE Cultural Center
2018 Antonio Romoleroux Anthology Exhibition 1987-2018 PUCE Cultural Center
Antonio Romoleroux ANTHOLOGY
Antonio Romoleroux, human profile, Faculty of Social Communication, Universidad Central
2015 The conscious self by Antonio Romoleroux promotional video
The conscious self by Antonio Romoleroux
The conscious self by Antonio Romoleroux
Agreement for Good Living 2T – What to do if your life has no meaning? Chapter 16
2013 Lilith’s daughter exhibition by Antonio Romoleroux
My essence in your senses by Antonio Romoleroux

2022 interview with Luis Supliguicha, “Life in positive”, Catholic radio
2021 interview with Paty Terán, “Behind the character”, Platinum radio
2019 interview with Pablo Salgado, “The night face up”, Pichincha radio
2018 interview with Diego Oquendo Sánchez, “Encuentro”, Visión radio
interview with Ramiro Diez, “With a certain sense”, Sucesos radio
2012 interview with Rosalía Arteaga, “Face to Face with Rosalía”, María radio
2007 interview with Diego Oquendo Sánchez, “Encuentro”, Radio Visión
interview with Ramiro Diez, “Con cierto significado”, Radio Sucesos
interview with Yumak Ortiz, “Manos Hábiles” Radio La Luna
2003 interview with Pablo Salgado, “La noche boca arriba”, Radio Pichincha
2000 interview with Ramiro Diez, “Con cierto significado”, Radio Sucesos
interview with Alicia Crest, Radio La luna
1995 interview with Gabi Avila Simpson, Catholic radio

2018 Saturday, April 14, EL COMERCIO, Trends
Friday, April 20, El Telégrafo, artculture
2013 Wednesday, July 17, El Telégrafo, Culture
2012 Monday, May 14, EL COMERCIO, Culture
2010 Monday, December 13, EL DIARIO, The press, New York, United States